
Better Places

It’s been quite some time and I am happy to say that I have finally moved on from everything. I am in a better state of mind, but I want to improve my mental health to the point I can be happy. I would say I am pretty content and am working towards myself day by day. I have a lot of friends and rekindled with so many old ones that I ultimately had to cut off. I did have some sort of situationship a few weeks back, but I kind of deemed that it wasn’t right to continue. I ended up breaking things off since I wasn’t ready and I felt that she wasn’t the right person for me. That being said, I do want love and comfort again. I want the right person that would love me unconditionally and I DO NOT want my heart to be broken again. I have been working out constantly, eating lots of meals, and sleeping a decent amount. I also joined GMU VSA!!! But I don’t know my BIG yet and I really want to know. I feel like she is a girl by the way she is texting but I could be wrong haha. I REALLY WANT IT TO BE LARA OR CECE but I will be fine with anyone really. It’s mainly just for the experience and to make some new friends. I am really sick though and have a fever so that needs improvement first. I really want to support someone now and I wanna do the relationship stuff. THE SINGLE LIFE AINT FOR ME. But yeah, I am overall improving and I am happy where I am at. School work is getting decently challenging. I still lack the motivation to study, but I know I have to push through to complete my assignments.


I set loads of goals for myself by the time the year ends. I want to gain more weight, complete my certifications that I am studying, and put in the effort to meet new people. I don’t want to give up and it is crazy that my life flashed before my eyes not even two months ago. I won’t be updating this page as frequently as I was before due to the sheer fact that I am more busy now. I know some people keep up with my posts & I am sorry for those that wait on it. It’s really hard to pick myself back up and for some people it can be difficult too. Suicide is very real. The old me thought it was very superficial and it wasn’t a big deal, but now I know it is a very real thing.

Oh my gosh! 😱 #puuung #animation #couplelife

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